Gwenifer Raymond
AK 10,-
Beginn: 17:30
Einlaß: 16:30
„Gwenifer Raymond ist eine walisische Gitarristin, die gewissermaßen vollumfänglich als Riot-Grrrl-Role-Model durchgehen kann. Die promovierte Physikerin programmiert zum Broterwerb in der Computerspielbranche und erweitert zum Feierabendbier auf der Couch gerne ihr ohnehin schon enzyklopädisches Wissen um Horror-B-Movies. Das klingt fast wie ausgedacht am Institut für Gender-Studies an der Universität Wolkenkuckucksheim und entsprechend viel Aufmerksamkeit kam diesen biografischen Details bereits zu, als vor zwei Jahren mit »You Never Were Much of a Dancer« ihr Debütalbum erschien. Gwenifer Raymond schlug in der American-Primitive-Guitar-Szene ein wie eine Bombe, denn dieses leicht staubige Genre ist beinahe exklusiv ein Männerclub.“
“Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain, Raymond’s staggering second album, leaves no doubt that she is among the most vital, dynamic voices within the still-teeming solo guitar orbit” –Mojo
Gwenifer Raymond began playing guitar at the age of eight shortly after having been first exposed to punk and grunge. After years of playing around the Welsh valleys in various punk outfits she began listening more to pre-war blues musicians as well as Appalachian folk players, eventually leading into the guitar players of the American Primitive genre. It was then that Gwenifer began writing her own moody and often-times manic original American Primitive styled compositions and started playing shows around the UK.
In 2017 she signed to the multi-Grammy award nominated label Tompkins Square. She released her first single ‘Sometimes There’s Blood’ in October of that year and released her debut album ‘You Never Were Much of a Dancer’ in June of 2018 to worldwide acclaim.
What followed was much international touring. Gwenifer headlined shows across much of Europe, debuted at several summer festivals including Green Man, Black Deer, Supernormal, Shambala to name but a fraction. She also played a number of support slots for well known artists such as Michael Chapman, Michael Hurley, Xylouris White and Charlie Parr.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Neustart Kultur, Initiative Musik, die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien