Current: post meridian ambient w/ Anna Malysz und 50PHIE
Beginn: 16:00
Einlaß: 15:30
Current – Post Meridian Ambient ist das neue zwölfteilige, hybride Format im TRAFO.
Von Mai bis November findet Current an zwei Samstagnachmittagen im Monat in der alten Transformatorenstation statt. 25 regionale und internationale Künstler*innen im TRAFO bieten mit DJ-Sets und Live-Performances alternative musikalische Entwürfe im Spektrum von klassischem Ambient, Drone und minimal music, spoken word und elektro-akustischen Stilen

Anna Malysz (nice4what, DRIVE, G-Edit)

50PHIE and Anna Malysz are both based in Leipzig and part of the crews G-Edit, DRIVE and Conne Island’s own KLUB crew. While 50PHIE’s sound usually ranges somewhere between driving Techno and hands-up (Tech-)House, she enjoys the smoother kinds of music as well. At Trafo, she will give insight into the broad diversity of her musical repertoire and focus on the quieter varieties of not only electronic music, but also postrock, drone and even smooth tunes with pop appeal. Anna Malysz, too, has a soft spot for gentle soundscapes and the listening/storytelling kind of tunes. She dedicated the first few weeks of lockdown in 2021 in building a huge ambient playlist solely by FLINTA producers. They both enjoy second- or third-floor-sets, like at Trakt II in Institut fuer Zukunft or at the SENKE Ambiente Floor at Escape to Olganitz, former Nachtdigital. Together, they’ll take you on a trip from Trafo into hidden spheres and lush landscapes.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Neustart Kultur, Initiative Musik, die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.